Getting Out of the Weeds
The weeds of our lives can grow thick…
HealingStrong wants to help you live your life with freedom and fulfill the life God has for you. Sometimes, we allow ourselves to be entangled by our thoughts, our patterns of behavior, and our beliefs that we have carried with us for many years, sometimes all of our lives. Like a dense, gripping vine, weeds in our mind take over and before you know it, you can’t see all the sweet vegetation that needs to be watered and cared for through the thicket.
The weeds in our life can look like:
- negative thoughts
- toxic relationships
- un-forgiveness
- over-working ourselves
- poor habits
- social media over-load
- comparison
- physical ailments
- keeping up with social norms
- finances
- family conflict
- relational strife
The list goes on and on and on…. these weeds are a result of The Fall. Sin separated us from the beautiful, lush and “weed-free” garden that God created for His people to enjoy. But hallelujah! We have the HOPE and the TRUTH of the Gospel, that Christ came to bare the burden of all sin so that for those who put their hope and faith in the resurrected Christ would NEVER again be separated from Him.
Do we believe that we have a seat at the table or do we still live as orphans without a Father? The weeds listed out can often keep us from breaking free and remembering that because of Christ, we are more than conquerors! Remember that there are NO weeds that can separate you from the love of Christ and there are NO weeds that can steal your seat at the Father’s table.
Keeping that Truth in mind, it’s still difficult to not feel entangled! We need tools in our tool-belt that we can easily access to whack down the weeds and get to the garden, which is the Spirit of God living inside of us!
This is why the most important pillar we have at HealingStrong is to Refresh the Spirit – it’s vital to our healing!
Below are 4 tools that you can use to begin pruning the garden of your heart.
We pray you are blessed and encouraged this week and we’re so grateful to be walking through the journey of redemption with all of you!

Listen to personal testimonies of discovering healing, finding hope and choosing joy! We can PROMISE you will not regret spending 30min of your day listening to these incredible people share their stories.
Around the Word in 80 Days is a special community of people coming together, from all around the world, to read God’s word from Genesis to Revelation in 80 days. There is no better way to refresh your spirit!
We now have Bible studies created just for you! Each of these uplifting and powerful devotionals was created to aide you in your journey to refresh your spirit. They are free to download and use as an independent study, or with your church, friends and family.