Suzy Griswold, MPH
Founder and President
With over 35 years of experience in education and public health, Suzy leads the HealingStrong's community in its mission to empower individuals through peer-to-peer support in HealingStrong Groups. With her own personal cancer journey using holistic approaches to heal, coupled with her family losses, she is passionate about HealingStrong's mission. She firmly believes that healing starts and ends at home and occurs through the day-to-day choices we make. She can't underscore enough that health is a "one step at a time" experience. Suzy's greatest blessing in life is her loving family, which she shares with her husband of 35 years. They are proud parents to two wonderful adult sons, a remarkable daughter-in-law, and eagerly await the arrival of their first grandchild this Fall.
Jeff Griswold
Board of Directors
Jeff Griswold is married to Suzy and has served HealingStrong since day 1. You will often find him behind the scenes preparing videos or directing the conferences. He works full-time in television ministry and creates and shares stories that bring glory to God. Married for 35+ years, he loves all things soccer, and being Dad to their two adult sons, daughter in law, and is excited to welcome his first grandchild. Jeff’s passion is getting the stories of hope into the hands of those who need it most.
Billy Echols
Board of Directors, Vice President
Billy developed a passion for natural remedies in treating cancer after he lost his youngest daughter to cancer, following conventional treatment of less than a year. His search for more information and ways to help others suffering with cancer lead him to be part of the founding team of HealingStrong. Billy’s greatest joy is when people realize cancer does not have to be a death sentence and conventional treatments are not the only option.
Christine Holcomb, M.FIN
Board of Directors, Treasurer
Diagnosed in 2011 with breast cancer, Christine decided against chemotherapy and instead chose to support her immune system with raw foods, supplementation, and detoxification. In 2013, she attended the first HealingStrong Conference and realized then the importance of continuing face to face support. This led her to start the first group in Gainesville, GA. Christine is mom to 2 beautiful daughters and grandma to 3 amazing children.
Angelica Roa Pascual
Board of Directors, Regional Mentor
Gel and her husband promptly brought her 2015 diagnosis up to the Lord and He led them to a path that involved implementing a better lifestyle; employing nonconventional therapies; uplifting the soul; collaborating with integrative practitioners; and partnering with praying friends that surround us with positivity. HealingStrong is Gel’s answered prayer and so she is dedicating this ministry to all that may be encouraged and have a closer relationship with the Healer.
Mary Ryder
Board of Directors, Secretary, and Regional Mentor
Mary was introduced to Suzy and HealingStrong in 2014 as her husband Nigel was fighting colon cancer. Mary and Nigel recognized the benefit of going beyond conventional treatment to include Spiritual and Emotional healing, dietary changes and realizing that Hope is a huge strategy when battling chronic diseases. Mary joined the HealingStrong Family as a leader in Houston in 2016 and is a Regional mentor. The Houston group is the longest running HealingStrong group. Mary is now retired, loves to travel and her focus is on ensuring that each person going through a cancer journey has a Village of support, Hope, Faith, & Love.
Janet Everhart
Group Leader Coordinator
Mya Metzel
Digital Media Manager
Joy Moleta
Web Design and Developer
Cortney Campbell
Board Emeritus, Founding Team
Kevin Campbell
Board Emeritus, Founding Team
Cheryl Collins
Advisory Team, Prayer Team
Donna Brady
Advisory Team
Susan Barrett
Prayer Team
Gains Gardner
Nanci Kirkpatrick
Prayer Team
Jim Mann
Advisory Team, Podcast Host
Pierre Masse
Regional Mentor - International
Sarah Masse
Prayer Team
Angie McKinney, J.D.
Advisory Team, Legal Counsel
Colette Moser
Regional Mentor, Group Leader
Maren Pellegrino
Prayer Team
Lajuana Rich
Brook Thornton
Advisory Team
Sue Threlfall
Prayer Team
Dawn Watson
Regional Mentor - West, Group Leader

Our grassroots organizational mission is achieved and powered by 98% of volunteer efforts who are passionate about our mission.  The volunteer team listed above, along with our volunteer Group Leaders who serve all across the world, are an incredible network of holistic thrivers, caregivers and practitioners who care to see this generation and beyond heal in body, soul and spirit. We cannot accomplish our mission and purpose without the support of so many talented and gifted individuals who serve and give so much.

Join us for a FREE 10-day Event

September 10th to 20th
90-minute sessions; twice daily

Informative sessions covering a range of topics with cancer thrivers and professionals who have decades of collective knowledge and experience.

Fill out the form below to get Suzy’s ebook, Created to Heal Strong sent to you!

Submit your request for our HealingStrong Prayer team to pray upon. Please check our Group Directory to connect to a local or online HealingStrong group.

Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.

Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.