We believe that true healing is a partnership with God, and our community groups emphasize the importance of spiritual wellness. By drawing strength and wisdom from God's Word, we find solace, inspiration, and guidance on their healing journey. The spiritual aspect of healing adds a profound element of hope, faith, and purpose to our community.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13

Around the Word in 80 Days

Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

Have you ever read through the entire Bible, or listened in as others read it? We want to invite you to join the reading in community, and discover God’s truths and promises found in the living Word of God.  Join us as we read through the Bible together, cover to cover in 80 days, or at your leisure, listen to the daily Bible reading recordings in our Around the Word in 80 Days Podcast.  Discover the divinely inspired Word of God. 

The live reading begins January 1, 2025 at 6:30 AM EST/5:30 AM CST. 

Join our Zoom call below.

Prayer With HealingStrong

–> Our volunteer prayer team is available to intercede with you.  Feel free to send us your prayer request via email, or join us for a monthly community prayer time.  

Monthly: Join together with others on the 1st Wednesday. Click link below. <–

All are welcome to join the HealingStrong community and the volunteer prayer team online as we focus on individual and corporate prayer needs. We pray for one another together. If you have a specific prayer request, please email our prayer team anytime. They check the email everyday and are committed to praying for you: prayerrequest@healingstrong.org.

How can we pray for you or your loved one?

Whatever may be on your heart, or the weight of your burden, someone is waiting to stand with you in prayer. Reach out to our HealingStrong Prayer Team to make a request. You are not alone.

Bible Studies With HealingStrong

We believe there is no better place to understand our Heavenly Father’s heart in healing than to study the Word of God. Join us, in partnership with Bible.com (YouVersion Bible App) as we share lessons from the scriptures that have been impacted our lives and teach us how to walk through life with trust in God, leaning on His Word for direction and meaning.

Psalms and Living Water

In the midst of today’s troubling times, it’s important to focus our attention on God’s beautiful Word and allow it to wash over us to bring us peace. Enjoy these recordings of some of our favorite Psalms set to the recently recorded background of streams in the North Carolina mountains.

Get your FREE download today!

Faith Over Fear

Are you facing a challenging diagnosis and want to understand how to overcome the fear with great faith? Here is a short clip from a webinar that HealingStrong produced that discusses important biblical principles that lead to eternal hope.

Do you need prayer?
Email us at prayerrequest@healingstrong.org

HealingStrong Devotionals (Downloadable)

We have created these uplifting and powerful devotionals to aide you in your journey to refresh your spirit. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His Word. 

Our devotionals are made available for free on the The Bible App or you can download them below. Our Membership Program includes these resources in the Members Lounge for easy access.

Join the more than 700,000 people who have downloaded these Bible studies and devotions on the Bible App at Bible.com.  These are available to you and your church or Bible study group at no cost. If we can help you in anyway, please reach out to us at help@healingstrong.org

Download Our Free HealingStrong Devotionals and Bible Studies

Complete the form below to access the HealingStrong Devotionals!

Please download your FREE HealingStrong Devotionals below. You can also share this page with others to invite them to join in on the journey to heal strong and stay strong. A link to download the HealingStrong devotionals has also been emailed to you!

Submit your request for our HealingStrong Prayer team to pray upon. Please check our Group Directory to connect to a local or online HealingStrong group.

Start Date 1: June 11 at 2:00 PM EST until completed.

For questions about this reading, email the Group Leader, Sue: sootee50@gmail.com

CALL INFORMATION: Join Zoom Link here:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6168500586?pwd=QU1wb21ubVNLTGIxamRIRG1aSm1QUT09
Meeting ID: 616 850 0586
Passcode: 2020
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kefx29LJOZ

Special Re-release Offer!

Get these power-packed ebooks today with your donation of $35 or more! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity.

Fill out the form below to get Suzy’s ebook, Created to Heal Strong sent to you!

Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.

Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.