Welcome to HealingStrong where we offer you valuable and free resources that help you to be inspired, motivated and equipped with vital information to take action for your health and never give up hope. Below are 5 easy steps to help you jumpstart your healing.  Each one will help guide you to resources, free tools, and a community of thrivers! We believe that healing is always possible, no matter the prognosis.  We are so glad you are here.

STEP #1:
Find a Local or Online Group Today and Connect!

This Participant Guide and resources accompanies the 12 HealingStrong Lessons that are offered in the videos below.

Complete the form below to access these materials today.

STEP #2:
Download your Free Participant Guide (150+ pages of updated helpful resources!)

STEP #3:
Please listen to the disclaimer prior to watching the videos.

STEP #4:
Begin watching. These helpful videos accompany our curriculum and speakers are cancer thrivers. These first 12 go along with our Group Curriculum. The Healing Journey JumpStart are hands-on demonstrations and testimonies to help you along your journey.

Lesson 1: Overview of HealingStrong
Lesson 2: Taking Charge of Our Health
Lesson 3: Cancer Basics and First Steps Toward Healing
Lesson 4: Helpful Supplements and what NOT to eat during healing
Lesson 5: Seven Steps for Choosing a Non-Toxic Cancer Protocol
Lesson 6: Healing Protocols and Adjunct Therapies
Lesson 7: Basics on Toxins and Why We Need to Detox to Heal
Lesson 8: Strategies to Detox
Lesson 9: Emotional Healing
Lesson 10: Exercise
Lesson 11: Dental Toxins and their impact to your Health
Lesson 12: Sleep, Meditation and Breathing

Cooking and Prep for Healthy Healing Recipes

Cooking and Prep for Healthy Healing Recipes

Cooking and Prep for Healthy Healing Recipes

Healing on a Budget

Lifestyle Redesigned

Tools to Refresh Your Spirit

Trauma and Healing

Food Prep and Demo – Vegan Power Bowl

How to Measure and Track Your Progress Through Testing

How to Take Advantage of HealingStrong: Tools and Membership

Food Demo: Power Breakfast Power Bowl and Personal Testimony

Food Demo: Chris Wark Super Salad

Food Prep and Demo of Chris Wark Super Salad with Testimony of Stage 3 Lymphoma Cancer Thriver

Join HealingStrong Group Leader and Stage 3 cancer thriver, Kay Blackburn, for warm welcome and fun and practical food demo of the Chris Wark Square One Super Salad.  Listen also to her incredible healing testimony while we kick-off 2023 Healing Journey Jumpstart.  To join Kay’s HealingStrong Group in Tucson, AZ, connect here.  To learn more about Kay Blackburn’s story and her community involvement, go to the I Am HealingStrong Podcast,  her testimony page, or here.

Building Confidence With the I-Can Attitude, includes Testimony - Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Thriver.

Join HealingStrong Group Leader, and Integrative Nutrition Coach, Rachel Clausen with her husband, Rob, a stage 4 prostate cancer thriver. Rachel shares their personal testimony of hope, along with confidence building strategies, and quick and easy tools to maximize your time for healing.  To join Rachel’s HealingStrong roup, go here for more information.

Gut Health and the Immune Response with 20 Year Breast Cancer Thriver

Join HealingStrong Canadian Group Leader, Linda Murphy, who is also a 20 year breast cancer thriver, professor, and holistic nutritionist as she presents about the importance of your gut health and how it impacts your immune function, along with your emotional state of being.  To join Linda’s HealingStrong Group, go here to connect (Camden, Ontario, Canada), or to learn more about Linda Murphy’s story, listen to her interview on the I Am HealingStrong Podcast.

Dental Toxins and Our Healing with Stage 4 Cancer Thriver

Join the President of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine and stage 4 cancer thriver, given less than a 1% chance to live beyond a year, Dr. Teresa Scott, DDS.  She will teach us why dental health and toxicity is critical to improved health outcomes.  Dr. Scott will cover the health impact of cavitations, root canals, amalgam fillings and overall dental health. Be sure to download her supplemental material below, and to llearn more about her personal journey to healing and why dentistry is so important in any healing journey, you can also find her on our I Am HealingStrong Podcast.

Join With Community Around the Word in 80 Days

HealingStrong leads community daily from Sunday through Thursday in Around the Word in 80 Days.  We read the Bible together, or just listen in privately as the Word of God is read outloud.  We start in Genesis and continue until the entire Bible has been read.  To learn more about this opportunity that happens every Sunday through Thursday at 2:00 PM EST (London-based group) or 8:00 PM EST (Canada-based group) go to:  This video is a short testimony and personal invitation from one of our leaders, Monica Hoppe.  You can also connect daily to the Around the Word in 80 Days on the online calendar.

Restorative Sleep - A Must for Healing

Joni Bellew, RN is a stage 3 breast cancer thriver, HealingStrong Participant and Speaker, and author of the book:  Nurse, Nurse, I’m Worse, Can you Help Me Sleep? Sleep is essential and can’t be ignored to heal the body and mind. There are techniques that are daily essentials that can be used to calm and cleanse the body and mind from the stresses of daily living while renewing the spirit in restorative sleep patterns.   To watch a previous webinar that Joni mentions in the video, go here.

Fasting - One of the Simplest Ways to JumpStart Your Health

Christine Holcomb, long-time breast cancer thriver, HealingStrong Board Member and Group Leader, shares helpful insight on how fasting can be a powerful tool to support your health regimen.  Fasting is an ancient practice that has tremendous health benefits. In addition to weight loss, water fasting helps reset your metabolism, weakens unhealthy cells and strengthens healthy cells. In this session, we will focus on water fasting, but touch on some other types of fasting. 

Releasing Trauma and Stresses to Live in Freedom

Join Pastor Seumean Kuon who is the founder and director of Releasing and Advancing the Kingdom (RAK) Ministry (, a fellow non-profit ministry partner. According to Rom 14:17, 1Cor 14:20, and Jesus’ teaching on love,  the kingdom of God is of righteousness, peace, joy, love, and power that comes with a great purpose. Imagine if we could release our trauma, burdens, and heal life to the fullest for ourselves and our families. Pastor Seumean has taught this easy technique to  leaders and pastors in Asia, Europe, North and South America, and many of our Group Leaders.   Mark your calendars for follow-up sessions at request of attendees and generous offer of Ps. Seumean:  April 25 at 7:00 PM EST; April 27 at 12:00 PM EST.  See details at the top of this webpage to join.

Panel of Stage 3 and 4 Cancer Thrivers - Getting Real

Join our I Am HealingStrong Podcast Host and stage 4 cancer thriver, Jim Mann, for a very special panel moderation and discussion with incredible stage 3 and 4 cancer thrivers who are part of HealingStrong.  Panelist will share their personal experiences and insights to their own journeys with various advanced cancer diagnoses, and modalities.  Panelists include:  Paige Laithrop, Stage 3 colon cancer thriver; James Templeton, Stage 4 Melanoma thriver; Tekquiree Spencer, Stage 4 breast cancedr thriver; Bailey O’Brien, Stage 4 melanoma thriver;  and Pastor Diego Mesa, Stage 4 Kidney Cancer.  Each of the panelists share their own testimonies of thriving beyond their diagnosis.  For more stories of hope like this, go to:

Our Choices - Life or Death?

Join our Founder and Director, Suzy Griswold, who will share hope through a brief presentation of why changing your mindset about where healing happens is mission critical.  She reviews important research and literature that support the last 9 sessions. Janet Everhart, Group Leader Coordinator, will also join Suzy to help you connect with free resources, including our community groups, and comprehensive downloads that are available to help you in your healing journey jumpstart. Also hear testimonies from those in the HealingStrong community. You don’t want to miss this final session. We will be doing a drawing for some fun giveaways for those who attend.  For more information about HealingStrong, go to our website:

STEP #5:
Please let us know how you are doing. If we can help you in anyway, we are just an email away and one of our team members will reach out to you. Email:

Special Re-release Offer!

Get these power-packed ebooks today with your donation of $35 or more! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity.

Fill out the form below to get Suzy’s ebook, Created to Heal Strong sent to you!

Submit your request for our HealingStrong Prayer team to pray upon. Please check our Group Directory to connect to a local or online HealingStrong group.

Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.

Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.