Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”
3 John 1:2

We believe there is no better place to understand our Heavenly Father’s heart in healing than to study the Word of God. With our deepest intentions, we have created this study to guide you in discovering truths from the healing accounts in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Digging deeper into these books will reveal truths that will change the way you view healing, and most importantly draw you closer to our Heavenly Father. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His Word.

Each of us have been in a healing season. It may have been healing from a loss, healing from sickness like cancer or other disease, disappointment, despair, hurt, addiction…the list can go on. HealingStrong believes that healing must address the entire individual – body, soul and spirit for true healing to manifest. When we put our relationship with God first…seeking Him first with our entire being, He will guide and make straight our paths.

Since February of 2019, HealingStrong has offered weekly online Bible study lessons in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to help others discover for themselves the healing and wholeness of Jesus’ ministry. What did Jesus do when people came to Him? What did He say? Who was around? What happened? How can we come to know the truth of the Gospel message that is a life-giving message?

When we study God’s word, He will reveal truths to us that will cause us to rest and trust Him with every part of our lives. It is our hope that this HEAL Bible Study will provide you with more peace, more comfort, more insight and lead you down the path to true healing, which leads to wholeness of body, soul and spirit.

May God bless you as you begin this journey.

Here's How to Join Us:

  • Download The Bible App,
  • Review the HealingStrong Bible plans,
  • Subscribe to the plan you would like to join!
  • Invite your friends, co-workers, family members or others that may be interested in stuyding along with you.
  • You can also download all customized reading for the HEAL Bible Study on this website(see below)

"From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."
Ephesians 4:16

Use these online study guides and invite your friends, co-workers, family members, or others that may be interested in studying along with you.

Join our Newest Studies!

21-Day Bible Study

Trusting God's Plan in the Waiting, Lessons from the Life of Joseph

Waiting. We all experience seasons of life when we are waiting on something – a spouse, a baby, healing, a job, or for what God has next in your life. We’ll study the life of Joseph, a man who was betrayed by his brothers, falsely imprisoned and ultimately saved the nation of Israel during a famine. Learn from Joseph how to trust God while you wait on Him!
14-Day Bible Study

Trusting God's Plan in the Fire: Lessons From the Book of Daniel

Are you walking through the fire right now in your life, a problem that seems all-consuming with no victory in sight? Learn from Biblical heroes Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel. They faced death, but God was with them in their trial and He will be with you too!

Prayer Requests

Whatever may be on your heart, or the weight of your burden, someone is waiting to stand with you in prayer. Reach out to our HealingStrong Prayer Team to make a request.
Cheryl Collins
Barbara Griswold
Suzy Griswold
Angie McKinney
Maren Pellegrino

HealingStrong Devotionals

We have created these uplifting and powerful devotionals to aide you in your journey to refresh your spirit. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His Word. 

Our devotionals are made available to our HealingStrong members along with several other ebooks, resources and benefits.

Your membership with HealingStrong is tax deductible and makes a tremendous impact. We are deeply grateful for our contributing members as they are the foundational support to the mission of HealingStrong. As a way of saying Thank You, we offer valuable member benefits to help you heal strong and stay strong.
Submit your request for our HealingStrong Prayer team to pray upon. Please check our Group Directory to connect to a local or online HealingStrong group.

Special Re-release Offer!

Get these power-packed ebooks today with your donation of $35 or more! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity.

Fill out the form below to get Suzy’s ebook, Created to Heal Strong sent to you!

Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.

Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.