We’ve created an acrostic to help us remember some key points to turn this time of study into a time of spiritual growth and personal healing.
Digging deeper into these books will reveal truths that will change the way you view healing, and most important draw you closer to our Heavenly Father. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His word.
Read Mark 8: 11 – 21
Forgetting God’s Past Provisions
Have you ever gotten in the car and realized once on your way that you had forgotten something? Not a good feeling. Today’s account is not an actual healing, but it certainly has a principle to remember when you are on your healing journey. The principle is to never forget God’s past provisions on your behalf.
Here’s a little backstory into this account. Jesus and his disciples had just fed 4000+ men, women and children with just seven loaves of bread. Don’t get this confused with the story of the feeding of the 5000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. That was an account before this one. This was the second time Jesus had performed a miracle and fed such a huge crowd.
Now, Jesus and the disciples are sailing in a boat and the disciples had forgotten to bring bread with them for the trip. They only had one loaf in the boat. Instead of remembering God’s provision from the very recent past, they completely forgot about the miracle they had just seen and experienced first hand. Talk about miracle amnesia. Jesus himself had to remind them of the past two miracles concerning bread and all the leftovers they gathered.
Just like us, the disciples have seen God do amazing things in their lives, but can easily forget these past provisions and get caught up in the current circumstances. You may not have seen a huge miracle as they did, but how often do we run to God, fearful He won’t come through with our problem. The reality is He’s right there with us, waiting for us to put our trust in Him.
Activity: Take the time to recall and write down times when God came through for you. Jot down a word that will remind you of that memory or victory and place it somewhere where you’ll see it daily as a reminder of His faithfulness.
Read Mark 8: 22-26
Second time’s a charm
We find Jesus visiting the village of Bethsaida in this account. Some people brought a blind man to him and they begged Jesus to touch the man. Instead of healing the man right there on the spot, Jesus took him by the hand and, likened to the account of the deaf man in Mark 7:31-36, Jesus led him away from the crowds.
Once outside the village, Jesus spit on the man’s eyes, and put his hands on him. Jesus asked him what he saw and the man replied, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” So this tells us it wasn’t an immediate, all at once healing. Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes and then his eyes were opened and he saw clearly.
This second time his sight was completely restored — no longer did he have vision blurry, but 20/20. Isn’t it interesting how the healing took place in stages. Do you think Jesus could have healed the man all at once? Once the man was healed completely, Jesus instructed him to not go into the village. Wonder why?
Read Mark 9: 14-29
If you can
Put yourself in the shoes of the father in this story. For years, he saw his son tormented by an evil spirit that caused the boy to have convulsions, suicidal tendencies and be mute. The boy could not even verbalize the agony he was going through. This desperate father sought the help of the disciples to rid his son of this demon, yet the disciples could not drive out the spirit. Then, Jesus came on the scene.
The man explained his son’s dire situation and how he had already reached out to the disciples for help, but to no avail. Then he said something many of us have found ourselves saying, “But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” Look at Jesus’ response, “If you can?” Wow! Can you imagine Jesus saying that to you? Jesus followed up that question by saying, “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Everything. Belief is key to the possible.
The man was honest with Jesus and said, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Do you find yourself in his shoes? Jesus, if you can heal my cancer…Jesus if you can heal my son… Jesus, if you can heal my marriage. If you can… fill in the blank.
Jesus commanded the spirit to come out of the man’s son. Do you think his prayer asking for help with his unbelief was answered? We can all learn from the compassion of Jesus to work with us and heal us despite our own unbelief.
Read Mark 10: 46-52
Throwing His Cloak Aside
Blind begger Bartimaeus sat day in and day out by his cloak on the roadside of Jericho begging for food or money. This was his life. Bartimaeus heard Jesus was walking by and instead of quietly begging, he yelled loudly for Jesus. He didn’t care that others were trying to shush him. Because of his loud calling, Jesus said, “Call him.” Reminds me of the saying: The squeaky wheel gets oiled. Good ol’ Bart threw his cloak aside, the item that most likely identified him as a begger, and scrambled onto his feet to move toward the voice of Jesus.
Imagine Jesus asking you, “What do you want me to do for you?” Isn’t that the million dollar question we’d all love Jesus to ask us? Bartimaeus answered in a very straight-forward manner, “I want to see.” And Jesus’ response was, “Go. Your faith has healed you.” Suddenly, he could see. The man, Jesus, had given him exactly what he asked for and more, including freedom from a life of relying on others. His desire after — to follow Jesus.
Read Mark 15: 21 – 16: 8; Psalm 22
Jesus is resurrected
One can’t read the resurrection story without first seeing how Jesus suffered on the cross for the sins of all humanity – you, me, everyone. This innocent man took on the sins of the world so that you and I could be forgiven of our sins and reconciled with God. His blood poured out for you and me bridges that gap to God that sin caused. Take a moment to really experience the who, what, why, when and how of the crucifixion before you get to the resurrection part. It’s a moment in time that literally changed history and has eternal consequences. Don’t miss a detail!
Scripture tells us that during the crucifixion, there comes a time of great darkness over the land and Jesus cries out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus was quoting Psalm 22, a prophecy of his crucifixion, describing His experience and asserting the victory of God over death. He knew this was the fulfillment of God’s plan. At that very moment, Jesus was experiencing the horror of separation from His heavenly father because His father could not look on sin, the sin that Jesus was bearing on our behalf. When we place our faith and trust in Him, we can know that He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. ” Psalm 103:12 We will never be separated or forsaken by God.
After his death, Jesus’ body was quickly taken and put in a garden tomb as the Sabbath was approaching and they could not leave a dead body outside. Due to the haste of taking his body down, it wasn’t properly prepared, so that’s why on Resurrection Day, the two Marys, and Salome were headed to visit the tomb to prepare Jesus body with spices. They came to the tomb in obedience to do what was right, wondering about the obstacles that they may face. Did you catch in the account what the women were worried about? They asked each other: “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” Scripture tells us, the obstacle was never a barrier for God.
Place yourself in the sandals of the women as they arrived to an empty tomb. The stone had been rolled away. As they entered, an angel sitting there, told them “He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter.”
The angel pointed out “and Peter”. Do you think God knew Peter needed extra encouragement that even in spite of his mistakes of denying Jesus during his arrest, he was still one of them! Do you think we sometimes need a reminder of who we are in Christ, in spite of what we think? Remember, Peter had just betrayed Jesus three times before he was crucified. What a beautiful promise that: Nothing in all creation can ever separate us from the love of God revealed to us in Christ. (Romans 8:39) The women came to the tomb preparing for death, but ran out of the tomb to share a message with the world: He is alive!
Pray this simple prayer out loud and in your heart:
“Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust you as my Lord and Savior. Please help me to daily surrender to your will. In Jesus name, Amen.” Once you have prayed this prayer, please tell someone. If you would like to reach out to us at HealingStrong, we will pray with you and celebrate your new life in Christ. You can email us at: prayerrequest@healingstrong.org.
Support HealingStrong today by joining our Membership Program! With our Membership Program you will enjoy all of the valuable resources we have to share, become eligible for year-end giveaways and drawings and gain exclusive discounts from our partners.
Find a HealingStrong Group in your area today or join one online. We are better together!
TODAY!!! Join us for community prayer…
🙏🏼10:00AM EST, 1st Wednesday each month
💻ZOOM MTG ID: 457 916 001
All are welcome to join our community and prayer team online.
We focus on individual and corporate prayer needs.
We share a short devotion or scripture reading, and pray.
Any specific prayer request can be sent to:
📌ALL DETAILS: healingstrong.org/refresh
#prayerispowerful #healingstrong #communityprayer #community #refreshyourspirit #prayersupport #communitysupport
Toxins & Detoxification!
When healing or living for prevention, understanding toxins and ways to detox is extremely important.
This year, we hosted a free 10 day online event and we are offering various talks from that event within our ebundle offer that you can get with a donation of $50 or more.
Get 3 e-books: a holistic guide, recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a collection of our conference recordings.
Head to https://healingstrong.org/ and donate to support our mission in bringing HOPE to those seeking education and encouragement.
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #detox #toxins #holistichealing
HealingStrong celebrates the lives of those facing cancer, and cancer thrivers through education and support.
Please consider donating this #givingtuesday as your heart cheerfully decides, and for those who give $50 or more you will receive all three e-books described below as a THANK YOU gift from us to you.
𝘈 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
*subjects include herbs, pancreatic enzymes, juicing, emotional healing, creating an anti-cancer home, etc.
𝘈 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘴
*meals and snacks that are gluten-free, sugar-free, vegetarian, vegan, grain-free, low carb, and soy-free.
𝘈 𝘑𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩
*healing the body, renewing the soul and refreshing the spirit in God`s Word *detoxification, biological dentistry, nutrition, lymphatic system, sleep, laughter, and more.
Donate at:
healingstrong.org or in LINKTREE
#nonprofit #healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity
Get all 3 e-books today!
Support those with cancer or chronic illness and bring them HOPE!
Donate and get this ebundle for yourself or for a friend.
Donate at healingstrong.org or head to our LINKTREE
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #healthandwellness #arthritis #naturalhealing
Don’t walk the road alone…
HealingStrong saw massive growth this year. See some of what they do in the collage above. In fact, our groups saw a 49% growth, to be exact. People are in need and seeking. Whether someone comes to us because they are seeking love, community, educational information or overall support, our volunteer group leaders are the reason they have a place to come to.
Would you consider donating to help us continue our mission? It would allow us to continue serving those facing cancer, chronic illness or living for prevention, with intent and purpose as our community needs grow. We do this through creating materials, resources, providing educational opportunities, and more to our groups. Each group and group leader is fully supported by home office and we couldn’t do any of what we do without your generosity.
Head to HealingStrong.org/donate and as a bonus, you’ll receive 3 ebooks FILLED with information to help you or a friend. Past conference recordings, recipes, holistic tips and webinars. It was our way of saying thank you for dedicating to $50 or more.
“Reflecting on the goodness of God that has brought us together to share stories of hope and healing, I am reminded of the beauty of our community. In a time where many are in great need, your encouragement, engagement, and willingness to spread our mission and resources with others serve as a powerful testament to the strength of unity and togetherness.”
Suzy Griswold
Founder and Director
Chris Wark of @chrisbeatcancer shares:
“Today I want to introduce you to my favorite cancer charity: HealingStrong.
Simply put, HealingStrong is a community of holistic cancer support groups.
HealingStrong meetings are free to attend and empower patients with faith, hope, and encouragement, as well as valuable information and resources on how to survive and thrive through cancer...
I have enthusiastically endorsed and supported HealingStrong since they started in 2013 and I wish this invaluable community had existed when I was diagnosed in 2003!
HealingStrong operates on a shoe-string budget by a small team with huge hearts...
Please give generously to support their mission:
Comment “support” and we’ll send you the link to your DM’s to donate, for your convenience. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, HealingStrong 💚
***Receive 3 e-books as a thank you with a donation of $50 or more! Details at HealingStrong.org
We touch lives of real people needing real support.
HealingStrong is unique and hands-on in every sense of the word. We want to walk alongside every single person who enters into each of our online or in-person groups.
Donate today, so we can continue supporting those facing cancer or chronic illness through our core pillars that help our community members to rebuild their body, renew their soul, and refresh their spirit in God`s Word.
LINK IN BIO or head to: healingstrong.org/giving-tuesday-2024
#cancersupportcommunity #healingstrong #nonprofit #cancersurvivor #healingathome
HealingStrong’s Founder and Director, Suzy Griswold, shares an invitation to join HealingStrong this Giving Tuesday and receive an amazing gift with your support of $50 or more.
Will you join us this Giving Tuesday and support the mission?
Since 2013, HealingStrong has served the public as a non-profit organization, offering free online and in-person holistic community groups that provide education and peer-to-peer support. HealingStrong Groups are volunteer-led and provide valuable information, helpful tools, and resources for those facing cancer or other illnesses.
#healingstrong #cancersurvivor #cancersupport #givingtuesday #holistichealing #naturalhealing #cancer #faith #nonprofitsofinstagram #nonprofit
Help those facing cancer and chronic illness by bringing HOPE through resources like science backed information to help rebuild their body, materials to renew their soul and encouragement to refresh their spirit in God`s Word.
Give HOPE today!
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #cancersupport #thereishope #healthandwellness
Juice spinach much?
Comedian @srslymelissa_ shares a little insight into a HealingStrong Group meeting, plus her thoughts on juicing spinach...
Receive her entire comedic segment from our 2023 conference when you donate $50 or more, WITH our entire collection of past conference recordings. PLUS two extra e-books to help you Jumpstart Your Health holistically and get recipes to help you with breakfast, lunch and dinners.
ALL 3 e-books are available to you with a donation of $50 or more to help us continue our mission in supporting those with cancer and chronic illness.
Donate Today!
Did you know?
Swipe to learn what adults need to be doing more of...
Want to grab an e-book where we talk about laughter and SO many other ways to be healthier, and WHY...
Head to:
#healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #laughterismedicine
Get our 3 e-book bundle offer with any donation of $50 or more in honor of YEAR END giving!
Help us continue our mission to connect, support, and educate individuals in community who are facing cancer and other diseases by focusing on strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit through God’s Word.
Swipe and see a small sample of each e-book and comment "EBUNDLE" to get the link directly sent to your DM`s to donate and get this limited time offer!
#healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #cancersupport #holistichealing #thereishope #healthandwellness
Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.
Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.