We’ve created an acrostic to help us remember some key points to turn this time of study into a time of spiritual growth and personal healing.
Digging deeper into these books will reveal truths that will change the way you view healing, and most important draw you closer to our Heavenly Father. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His word.
Read Luke 13:10-17
Crippled by a Spirit
Here’s another account of Jesus healing on the Sabbath. He was teaching in the synagogue when He became aware of a woman, “crippled by a spirit.” The scripture says she was bent over, could not straighten up, and had been that way 18 years! Apparently, the physical manifestation of having oppression by a spirit was a contorted spine. Once again, we see that spiritual health is often connected to physical health. Notice that when Jesus healed her He used the words, “…you are set free…”. Then, He put His hands on her and she immediately straightened up!
It’s also important to see what she did in response to her being set free—she praised GOD!
Read Luke 14:1-14
“And they had nothing to say.”
Jesus had been invited to a Pharisee’s home to eat on the Sabbath. But, that’s not the only reason he was invited there. This passage says that there was a man there who obviously had an ailment, swelling of his body. It’s possible that, yet again, the religious leaders were trying to set Jesus up to violate the law of keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Notice how Jesus was consistent in His actions by addressing the physical condition of the man in His presence, even though He was only invited there for a meal. Once again, He questioned those in attendance about healing on the sabbath. Jesus continuously invited those around Him to learn the true principles of His Kingdom. Yet, the leaders’ calloused hearts were not receptive to His truths.
When Jesus substituted the leaders’ own children in the place of this sick man (or even the leaders’ animals) and asked if they would help them on the Sabbath, the scripture says no one had anything to say. They knew in their hearts that the right thing to do would be to help their child and/or their ox regardless of what day it was! Jesus wanted them to understand the ultimate purpose of this commandment. Keeping the Sabbath holy was for the people’s rest and for worship, not to prevent helping someone in need. Helping others can be considered a beautiful form of worship.
The scripture says Jesus took hold of the man, healed him, and sent him on his way. This man certainly received a great benefit from Jesus’ teaching that day. Jesus consistently healed those with needs, always with the purpose of spreading the goodness of the attributes of His kingdom.
Read Luke 17:11-19
Be in the Ten Percent!
While Jesus was on His way back to Jerusalem (and we know what ultimately happened in Jerusalem), He came near a village and TEN lepers began to yell for His help from a distance. Lepers were outcast, forced to live in seclusion, and strictly forbidden to get near anyone without leprosy. So, these lepers yelled for Jesus’ help! (How did they know who He was? Did His spirit draw them to Him?) Notice how they addressed Jesus, “Jesus, Master… .” Without hesitation, Jesus responded with instructions, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” What an outrageous command! These lepers could have been stoned if they had entered the village and attempted to see a priest. Yet, the scripture says, “and as they went, they were cleansed.” Doing what He said to do was crucial to their healing, no matter how outrageous the instruction seemed to be.
But, then, look what happens. Only one of the ten “came back, praising God in a loud voice.” Moreover, the scripture makes a point to let us know that the one who gave thanks was a Samaritan—not even Jewish! Then, Jesus asked where all the other nine were. When Jesus asked questions in the scripture, it wasn’t because He didn’t know the answer, He wanted to make a point. We’re still hearing this question today…where are the other nine? It’s also powerful to see how this passage closes; Jesus simply states, “…Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
Read Luke 22:31-34; 54-62
“It’s Not About My Ability”
The enemy tries to make us think that we can’t, or shouldn’t, be healed, restored, or redeemed because we don’t deserve to be. He wants us to focus on our behavior, our performance, our frailties, and our faults. But Jesus’ power and desire to heal, restore, and redeem are NOT based upon OUR abilities or performance at all! Instead, healing, restoration and redemption are all gifts which come from Jesus based upon His abilities and His Word!
In today’s passage, Peter plainly denies that he even knew Jesus, not just once, but three times within a short span of time. Peter had been an eye witness to incredible miracles of Jesus, had experienced many hours of sitting under Jesus’ teachings, and had unequivocally promised never-ending devotion to Jesus earlier in the same day. Yet, Peter crumbled under the weight of the current circumstances. If Jesus wanted to teach us that our behavior determined whether we could be made whole, He could sure have used Peter for that lesson. To the contrary, we know that Peter was restored, redeemed, and even made to be the rock upon which Jesus built His church. (See Matthew 16:18.)
The enemy is the one who tries to make us think we don’t have this or that because we don’t deserve it. Demons don’t question Jesus’ abilities; they know His power. (See James 2:19) So, they try to attack our abilities. The truth is that our abilities are not even in the equation. It’s all about the redemptive, healing, and restorative power of the blood of Jesus. He has already done the work, now it’s up to us to believe in what He’s already done for us.
Read Luke 23:1-43
“You Can’t Earn What He Gives”
Let’s focus specifically on verses 39-43. We learn from the scriptures that there were two criminals who were also hanged on the same day as Jesus. They must have been hung in close proximity to be able to hear each other’s words even in their state of indescribable pain. This gruesome scene must have been even more horrific that any movie screen could depict. One of the criminals “hurled” insults to Jesus and seemed to mock him with his last breaths. The other criminal feared God, believed that Jesus was from God, and asked to be a part of His kingdom. Immediately, Jesus granted his request and declared by His words that the man would be with Him in paradise. Obviously, it was not physically possible for this criminal to right any wrongs or to have done anything of his own accord to earn citizenship into God’s kingdom. He was dying on a tree as a criminal, yet he gained full citizenship in the Kingdom of God because of his belief in Jesus. That’s the way we receive Jesus’s gifts, by believing what He has said in His Word.
An encounter with Jesus always demands a response…either a “yes” or a “no,” just like was depicted at the crucifixion. If we choose “yes,” He bestows citizenship upon us. Once we’re citizens of His kingdom, we must learn, through His Word, about all the rights and privileges of being in His kingdom in order to take full advantage of them. Thank goodness we don’t get what we deserve, we simply accept His gifts based upon His works, not our own! What freedom!
Read Luke 24:13-49
Open My Eyes, Lord
As long as we’re spending time with The Word, more and more truths will be revealed to us. The more we learn, the more we will understand and then be able to put into practice the benefits of citizenship into our lives. In today’s passage, we read that after Jesus’ resurrection, He presented Himself to two travelers, yet “they were kept from recognizing him.” As the men travelled along, they shared with this “stranger” what had taken place in Jerusalem the last couple of days. Jesus, in reply, began to share with them what was said about Himself in the scriptures. They seemed hungry for more. They invited Him to stay with them for a meal. While at the table, their eyes were opened to the truth of who this man was—Jesus, the one who was crucified yet alive and dining at their table! “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”
We must let Him open the scriptures to us. When He sees that we’re hungry for more, He will reveal more. We decide how much of His goodness we want.
Support HealingStrong today by joining our Membership Program! With our Membership Program you will enjoy all of the valuable resources we have to share, become eligible for year-end giveaways and drawings and gain exclusive discounts from our partners.
Find a HealingStrong Group in your area today or join one online. We are better together!
TODAY!!! Join us for community prayer…
🙏🏼10:00AM EST, 1st Wednesday each month
💻ZOOM MTG ID: 457 916 001
All are welcome to join our community and prayer team online.
We focus on individual and corporate prayer needs.
We share a short devotion or scripture reading, and pray.
Any specific prayer request can be sent to:
📌ALL DETAILS: healingstrong.org/refresh
#prayerispowerful #healingstrong #communityprayer #community #refreshyourspirit #prayersupport #communitysupport
Toxins & Detoxification!
When healing or living for prevention, understanding toxins and ways to detox is extremely important.
This year, we hosted a free 10 day online event and we are offering various talks from that event within our ebundle offer that you can get with a donation of $50 or more.
Get 3 e-books: a holistic guide, recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and a collection of our conference recordings.
Head to https://healingstrong.org/ and donate to support our mission in bringing HOPE to those seeking education and encouragement.
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #detox #toxins #holistichealing
HealingStrong celebrates the lives of those facing cancer, and cancer thrivers through education and support.
Please consider donating this #givingtuesday as your heart cheerfully decides, and for those who give $50 or more you will receive all three e-books described below as a THANK YOU gift from us to you.
𝘈 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
*subjects include herbs, pancreatic enzymes, juicing, emotional healing, creating an anti-cancer home, etc.
𝘈 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘦𝘴
*meals and snacks that are gluten-free, sugar-free, vegetarian, vegan, grain-free, low carb, and soy-free.
𝘈 𝘑𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩
*healing the body, renewing the soul and refreshing the spirit in God`s Word *detoxification, biological dentistry, nutrition, lymphatic system, sleep, laughter, and more.
Donate at:
healingstrong.org or in LINKTREE
#nonprofit #healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity
Get all 3 e-books today!
Support those with cancer or chronic illness and bring them HOPE!
Donate and get this ebundle for yourself or for a friend.
Donate at healingstrong.org or head to our LINKTREE
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #healthandwellness #arthritis #naturalhealing
Don’t walk the road alone…
HealingStrong saw massive growth this year. See some of what they do in the collage above. In fact, our groups saw a 49% growth, to be exact. People are in need and seeking. Whether someone comes to us because they are seeking love, community, educational information or overall support, our volunteer group leaders are the reason they have a place to come to.
Would you consider donating to help us continue our mission? It would allow us to continue serving those facing cancer, chronic illness or living for prevention, with intent and purpose as our community needs grow. We do this through creating materials, resources, providing educational opportunities, and more to our groups. Each group and group leader is fully supported by home office and we couldn’t do any of what we do without your generosity.
Head to HealingStrong.org/donate and as a bonus, you’ll receive 3 ebooks FILLED with information to help you or a friend. Past conference recordings, recipes, holistic tips and webinars. It was our way of saying thank you for dedicating to $50 or more.
“Reflecting on the goodness of God that has brought us together to share stories of hope and healing, I am reminded of the beauty of our community. In a time where many are in great need, your encouragement, engagement, and willingness to spread our mission and resources with others serve as a powerful testament to the strength of unity and togetherness.”
Suzy Griswold
Founder and Director
Chris Wark of @chrisbeatcancer shares:
“Today I want to introduce you to my favorite cancer charity: HealingStrong.
Simply put, HealingStrong is a community of holistic cancer support groups.
HealingStrong meetings are free to attend and empower patients with faith, hope, and encouragement, as well as valuable information and resources on how to survive and thrive through cancer...
I have enthusiastically endorsed and supported HealingStrong since they started in 2013 and I wish this invaluable community had existed when I was diagnosed in 2003!
HealingStrong operates on a shoe-string budget by a small team with huge hearts...
Please give generously to support their mission:
Comment “support” and we’ll send you the link to your DM’s to donate, for your convenience. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, HealingStrong 💚
***Receive 3 e-books as a thank you with a donation of $50 or more! Details at HealingStrong.org
We touch lives of real people needing real support.
HealingStrong is unique and hands-on in every sense of the word. We want to walk alongside every single person who enters into each of our online or in-person groups.
Donate today, so we can continue supporting those facing cancer or chronic illness through our core pillars that help our community members to rebuild their body, renew their soul, and refresh their spirit in God`s Word.
LINK IN BIO or head to: healingstrong.org/giving-tuesday-2024
#cancersupportcommunity #healingstrong #nonprofit #cancersurvivor #healingathome
HealingStrong’s Founder and Director, Suzy Griswold, shares an invitation to join HealingStrong this Giving Tuesday and receive an amazing gift with your support of $50 or more.
Will you join us this Giving Tuesday and support the mission?
Since 2013, HealingStrong has served the public as a non-profit organization, offering free online and in-person holistic community groups that provide education and peer-to-peer support. HealingStrong Groups are volunteer-led and provide valuable information, helpful tools, and resources for those facing cancer or other illnesses.
#healingstrong #cancersurvivor #cancersupport #givingtuesday #holistichealing #naturalhealing #cancer #faith #nonprofitsofinstagram #nonprofit
Help those facing cancer and chronic illness by bringing HOPE through resources like science backed information to help rebuild their body, materials to renew their soul and encouragement to refresh their spirit in God`s Word.
Give HOPE today!
#givingtuesday #healingstrong #cancersupport #thereishope #healthandwellness
Juice spinach much?
Comedian @srslymelissa_ shares a little insight into a HealingStrong Group meeting, plus her thoughts on juicing spinach...
Receive her entire comedic segment from our 2023 conference when you donate $50 or more, WITH our entire collection of past conference recordings. PLUS two extra e-books to help you Jumpstart Your Health holistically and get recipes to help you with breakfast, lunch and dinners.
ALL 3 e-books are available to you with a donation of $50 or more to help us continue our mission in supporting those with cancer and chronic illness.
Donate Today!
Did you know?
Swipe to learn what adults need to be doing more of...
Want to grab an e-book where we talk about laughter and SO many other ways to be healthier, and WHY...
Head to:
#healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #laughterismedicine
Get our 3 e-book bundle offer with any donation of $50 or more in honor of YEAR END giving!
Help us continue our mission to connect, support, and educate individuals in community who are facing cancer and other diseases by focusing on strategies that help to rebuild the body, renew the soul and refresh the spirit through God’s Word.
Swipe and see a small sample of each e-book and comment "EBUNDLE" to get the link directly sent to your DM`s to donate and get this limited time offer!
#healingstrong #cancersupportcommunity #cancersupport #holistichealing #thereishope #healthandwellness
Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.
Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.