Week 1 : Matthew

We’ve created an acrostic to help us remember some key points to turn this time of study into a time of spiritual growth and personal healing.

Digging deeper into these books will reveal truths that will change the way you view healing, and most important draw you closer to our Heavenly Father. May God bless you as you commit your time and heart to study His word.

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Introduction – Meeting Matthew
Read Matthew 9: 9-13

As you begin your study in the Gospel of Matthew, it may be helpful to remember that before he was Matthew, the disciple, he had been Levi, the Jewish tax-collector for the Roman Government.  He was despised for padding his own purse while serving the enemy (see also Mk. 2: 14-17 and Luke 5:27-37). The actual account of Jesus calling Matthew can be read here: Matthew 9: 9-13. Jesus sees Matthew at his tax-collecting booth and tells him: “Follow me,” and Matthew did exactly that.  

Perhaps the greatest healing miracle in this Gospel must be the transformation of Matthew.  From a hated traitor’s shriveled-up soul to the magnanimous Matthew, who wanted everyone to know the goodness and mercy of God for all people. 

Having personally experienced the heart-and-soul healing power of the Lord Jesus for himself, Matthew was eager to recount what he had personally seen of the results of a faith-response to Jesus.  This Gospel is full of his personal eye-witness accounts of the life and health restoring power of God in Christ for every kind of disease and sickness.


  1. What is it that you hope to gain in this study?
  2. What is the need I have for Jesus as the divine physician?
  3. What does the response of Jesus to the Pharisees tell me about who He has concern or care for?

Read Matthew 4: 1 – 11
Satan Tempts Jesus in the Desert

As you are on a healing journey, your soul and spiritual healing are just as fragile as your body.  Feeding your soul with God’s word is critical as you heal. Why? The enemy wants to discourage you during healing process. 

This passage about Jesus being tempted in the desert by the enemy is a great example of what to do when fiery darts are hurled your way.  The devil uses lies and half-truths, but notice how Jesus battled it out with the devil. He combatted Satan’s lies with God’s word. Jesus simply stated God’s word and told Satan to leave.  Immediately after the devil left, angels came and attended Jesus.  


  1. What thoughts are you constantly battling as you heal? 
  2. What does God’s word say concerning your situation?
  3. What can you learn from Jesus the next time you hear those bad thoughts?

Read Matthew 4: 23-25 
Jesus Heals Many People

What if you heard today that there was a man who healed every form of disease, illness and pain?  Wouldn’t you make a beeline to get to him? That’s what the people from Galilee did 2000 years ago.  They heard Jesus was the man who had healed people, so the word got out about him.  

Jesus healed every disease, not a few illnesses here or there.  He healed people with severe pain, those who were demon possessed, folks with seizures and Galileans who were paralyzed.  He healed every single disease of every suffering person seeking help, all while proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.


  1. Is there any disease, pain or illness that Jesus can’t heal?
  2. Do you think he can still do that today?
  3. What did you learn about Jesus from this passage?

Read Matthew 5: 21 – 26 
Healing From Anger

Jesus teaches about the dangers of anger in this passage.  Anger has an actual physiological effect on people, triggering the body’s fight or flight response.  These physical manifestations caused by holding onto anger can hinder the healing process.  

Jesus said, “Anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.” Why such a strong statement?  This is because there are spiritual implications to remaining angry or holding bitterness in your heart towards someone.  

Jesus wants us to live at peace and experience emotional well-being of our soul.  This is done through reconciliation. Not only should we quickly resolve any anger against someone else, He goes on to tell us that if we know someone has an issue with us, then quickly go and reconcile with them. This not only heals our hearts, but our bodies, too.  


  1. Do you have someone you are angry at or who is angry at you?
  2. Have you tried to settle the matter?
  3. What steps do you need to take to address unresolved conflict?

Read Matthew 6: 25 – 34 
Freedom From Worry

How many times have we worried about something to later find out it was nothing at all?  We spend a lot of mental energy and angst fretting over what we cannot control – but God has made us a big promise.  He will take care of us. 

In this passage, He tells us that when we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all of our basic needs – food, clothing and housing will be taken care of.  There is no need to get bogged down with the what if’s of the future. God has that covered as well. All we have to do is put Him first. And how liberating is it to give all your worries and cares to God.  He can handle them. Let’s focus on our lives today. We are more valuable to God than all of creation.  


  1. What is worrying you right now?
  2. What does this passage say to you about your worries?
  3. What steps can you take to put God first in your life?

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