Ann’s Story: Pancreatic Cancer

Twelve years ago, December 5, 2000, a tumor mass of 3.2 cm was found in my pancreas by accident during a cat scan of my lungs and colon. I didn’t even know where my pancreas was located. I was surprised and shocked especially since this was all as a result of a routine check-up. After meeting with two surgeons at Kaiser Permanente, I realized that I was facing a life threatening disease. They immediately wanted me to have surgery (called a Whipple). If I survived surgery then, of course, chemo and radiation would follow. The best any Pancreatic Cancer patient could hope for was to extend their life 15 to 18 months. Without surgery, the life expectancy was 3 to 6 months. Considering the extent of the operation and the organs involved, I put off the surgery and started reading everything I could find from the AMA, the NCI and books by MD’s and alternative medicine doctors. At that time, there was limited material to research as most doctors really feared getting involved in anything not approved by the AMA. However, I found enough to start a vitamin and herbal regimen.

I was determined to not have the surgery so I read and investigated everything on cancer and my cancer in particular. Needless to say, I asked for prayer from family and church leaders, attended healing conferences, and listened for guidance from the Holy Spirit. My Kaiser doctor had all kinds of tests done in the hopes it was an endocrine tumor and not a carcinoma.

In February 2001, since I still refused surgery and chemo, my general practitioner, urged me to have a biopsy. Pathology at Kaiser and Mayo Clinic confirmed the mass as a carcinoma in the head of my pancreas or pancreatic cancer. While talking to a doctor in CA about a Rife machine, he directed me to a trial test being conducted by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Isaacs for alternative medicine and Columbia University Hospital for standard medicine.

I submitted all the blood test, cat scans, and medical documentation to Columbia and was admitted to the trial, I thought. I flew to NY just to learn that I was not eligible for the trial program since I could have surgery even though I chose not to.

Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Gonzalez showed compassion and offered me their services if I could just pay for the pills and other items I would need to follow the protocol. I jumped at the chance and have never looked back. I know in my spirit if I had chosen another route, I would not have lived to see my only granddaughter, Sarah, named after 5 generations of Sarah’s, born and now 10 years old.

By this time my family had vacillated between wondering if I was in denial or just not understanding my choices. They were worried however they were standing with me on my decisions. Each of my children decided they would go with me on a trip to celebrate life. My husband, Jim, and I went to Mexico to a beautiful and peaceful resort for two weeks. My eldest daughter and her son enjoyed Disney World for a week with me. My son and I took a road trip from Denver to the coast of California from southern CA to the state line of Oregon and back by a different route. I had my protocol with me and kept faithfully on the regimen. Then my youngest daughter, her two sons and I traveled to Santa Fe and on to Taos, NM. The trips, the sites, and the love we shared were just wonderful beyond belief. There was no time to worry or fret. Only time to enjoy life and see the beautiful country God had given to us. Love of God, Love of family, and Love of country and the beauty of it gave me the hope and faith to trust and listen to that quiet, still voice to keep going.

It has been 12 years since I was given my fatal news. I know people will say I’m crazy but the experience, the lessons I’ve learned, the people I’ve met, and the walk with God is something I count as a blessing. If I could wash it all away, I would not.

It’s not all been easy however whose life is perfect. I’ve been in good health and able to do anything I wished to do, including speaking to groups, teaching classes to others about alternative medicine, giving cancer patients hope, and start writing a book.

Books or Resources that Most Inspired my Healing Strong Journey:
The Complete Book of BIBLE PROMISES by J. Stephen Lang
Knockout by Suzanne Somers
One Man Alone by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
What Went Wrong by Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD
CANCER: Curing the Incurable, Without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation by William Donald Kelley, DDS, MS
Welcome, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn
Linda L. Isaacs, MD, PC – Individualized Nutritional Protocols –

Favorite Quote:
Write your Sorrows in Sand, and your Blessings in Stone.
– unknown


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