From a Cancer Diagnosis to Personal Freedom

From a Cancer Diagnosis to Personal Freedom

What does cancer and Independence Day have in common?

In 2009, after a cancer diagnosis, I began my own journey to personal freedom, without realizing that was the greatest desire fulfilled – to walk in freedom in every area of my life.

It’s been the greatest journey I have been on.  It has impacted not only my physical health, but my emotional IQ and strength, and most important, my faith and relationship with Jesus.

To really understand why it is so important, I’ve been reflecting on my life and examining those anchors or rocks that helped me to get to this place where I value freedom so much. Freedom is what our country’s founders sought after, leaving behind homes, wealth, family and a tyrannical governing body to gain TRUE FREEDOM. It was worth fighting for, and on this day in 1776, our country adopted the Declaration of Independence….that was just the beginning. It wasn’t until almost 100 years later in 1870 that we began celebrating Independence Day.

Now, as we celebrate Independence Day today, I ask myself if freedom is as important to me as it was to our founding fathers?

Growing up, I was part of a generation or era (1960’s and 70’s) that was characterized by profound social change and a shift in traditional values. The notion of freedom took on new meanings and forms. We were very young witnesses to the Civil Rights Movement, which fought for the freedom and equality of all individuals regardless of race. Today, we celebrate leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks who stood up against segregation and discrimination. Their acts inspired our generation to fight for justice and equality.  Our generation was the start of the Women’s Liberation movement.  There was also the rise of music and artistic expression through rock and roll and other genres of music, which became a powerful tool for expressing ideas of freedom, or rebellion. All of those events shaped my generation, compelling us to take a stand, especially where injustice was happening.

Today, medical freedoms and truths are being suppressed. In the UK, it’s illegal to sell alternative treatments like B-17 or laetrile, making it difficult to find. We value the natural products that have proven effective and we actually have a working strategic partnership with a company (Richardson Nutritional Center) that has been making products with B-17, including raw, organic apricot kernels, for many decades. Here in the states, there are efforts to take down channels and pages that bolster “cures for cancer” that don’t line up with conventional therapies. In the last few years, our HealingStrong Facebook page has been suppressed through the algorithms, reaching a fraction of what we used to reach. We have had videos removed on our own host site that went against their “standards”.  My talk for the Faith and Medicine conference last year was taken down by a very popular platform, and the organizers had to move to a new video hosting site in order to share the conference talk.

Herbal remedies have also been under scrutiny. We have established relationships with one of the very first and foremost leading herbal companies, Barlow Herbal. The President who is a friend and strategic partner to HealingStrong, Jane Barlow, is a master herbalist known for her work with herbal remedies and natural healing… and Jane is offering YOU, our HealingStrong community, 10% savings on all orders! Even already discounted products!
[CODE: healstrong10]

The very foundation of HealingStrong is built to help others to connect through their own testimonies of healing and resources, to gather together in community, to support and educate, pray for and share truths. It is unlike any groups available out there. Our desire is to help others make informed decisions about their health and seek wisdom for healing and wholeness: body, soul and spirit. Our approach is truly holistic and is changing people’s lives.

One of our group leaders in Canada shared a testimony of one of her attendees whose been supporting her Mom with a holistic therapeutic approach to healing and after agreeing with her oncologist to finally do next step treatments in order to get a follow-up scan, she found out that there is no metastasis, and no reason to do the surgery at this point. She has learned so much through her HealingStrong group and writes in to say Thank You and that her once very skeptical oncologist said perhaps her alternative protocol is working!

We hear of stories like this often, and we know that together, we are making a difference in people’s lives.

Now more than ever, today is the time to take advantage of our groups that what we offer – to learn, to prepare and make changes in your own personal health freedom in order to grow and enjoy the life God has planned for you. Take action today.

Where do you need growth in this area?  Is it how you treat disease, or perhaps just a minor headache?  What about learning to walk in freedom emotionally?  And, have you experienced the ultimate freedom? In Jesus, we find the ultimate freedom that lasts because of His love and forgiveness. The Bible tells us that we become new creations and are no longer bound by our past mistakes or sinful nature when we place our faith in Jesus. His indescribable love offers us healing, hope, and wholeness that we can’t find anywhere else.

I want to encourage you, as our family and HealingStrong celebrates Independence Day today here in the states. I pray that this day will help you examine your health freedom goals and let HealingStrong help you. Find a HealingStrong Group close to you locally or online, or even start your very own group today. We are praying for you!

All my love and gratitude,

Suzy Griswold

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

Just for YOU! 7pm EST!

Take your consumer power back to make more intentional AND informed decisions for your health, because YOU are in the driver’s seat.

Join HealingStrong’s Christine Holcomb and Suzy Griswold for our next Q & A at 7pm EST on Tuesday, July 11th! Christine and Suzy will both share their personal experience during their own cancer journeys, along with expertise and insights on FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD, providing valuable information on how to be a more informed and intentional consumer.

We will answer any questions you may have, creating an open and interactive space for discussion. Please join us!

July 2024
Register for FREE & SAVE your seat!


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We do our best to share what we love and believe in to help you heal at home. Anything listed on our “Products & Downloads” page are evidence-based and have encouraging testimonials to help navigate holistic therapies. Click the link below to check them out and more, on our website. Happy healing!



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