Emotional healing can sometimes require an “Emotional Detox.” Our healing protocol is about more than just working on our physical bodies. True healing lies in our soul and our spirit and this work can only be done by the power of the living and active Word of God and by the work of the Holy Spirit. Yet often times we skip this step. We pray and we hope that our bodies will begin to transform but how can we heal our bodies when our souls are sick?
Thankfully, our One True Healer knows our frame – He knit us together in our mother’s womb and knows every hair on our head. (Ps 139:13) He knows our tendency is to run from the thoughts and feelings that bring us shame, anger and pain. He knows our struggle and He has made a way in the darkness … all for US, His children.
Throughout His Word, He shows us that our healing is directly tied to the state of our soul. (Read Psalm 107:9, Deuteronomy 4:29, Matthew 16:26, Psalm 103:2-3, Psalm 107:9, Psalm 62:1, Isaiah 61:10, Matthew 10:28, and the list goes on and on.) Our mind, will and emotions (soul) are intricately connected to the state of our whole being.
A protocol of total healing includes a renewing of our soul, a focus on detoxification and ridding ourselves of the physical, mental and emotional muck that we carry around, some of us for many years. Below are some tools to help you unload and offload the baggage of emotional hurts. God sees and knows our hurting souls and there is nothing He finds too small or insignificant. Even if it doesn’t feel like a big weight, sometimes we never really know how big it was until we’re no longer carrying it.
- Detox your thought life – Get rid of toxic emotions such as: shame, bitterness, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear
- Confess – Don’t harbor unconfessed sin because holding on to sin eats away at us. When we confess, God forgives.
- Forgive – Choose to Forgive others. Scripture tells us that we are to forgive others in the same way that He forgives us. Holding on to unforgiveness leads to bitterness which we are told defiles those around us as well as ourselves. We cannot afford to allow ourselves to hold grudges or be bitter or resentful if we expect to heal. But forgiveness is a process, it is not a “once and done” event. You may need to speak the words: “Lord, I choose to forgive _________.” over and over, day after day until you truly can release the offender. Forgiveness does not absolve the offender of guilt, but it cleanses you from the continuous poisoning that results from holding onto the offense.
We have two amazing lessons on Emotional Healing linked below; one in Spanish and the other in English. We encourage you to take some time to settle in and really ask the Lord to show you where in your life you may be stuck in a habit or routine way of thinking that is preventing you from walking in His freedom. Hold onto his promise in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (ESV)
Mira aquí en español
Find trained individuals who can help you emotionally detox:
HealingStrong partners with two non-profit organizations that support emotional detoxification and specifically teach and also provide exercises and prayerful support to help individuals to remove those “stones” or barriers in their lives. We highly recommend emotional detox as part of any healing regimen:
- Rak Ministry: https://www.rakministry.com/ (setup a one on one session, or join an online webinar)
- Journey U Ministries (*HealingStrong Partner, thank you JourneyU for your support!): https://www.journeyu.org
Below is a video of one of our HealingStrong Group leaders, Gel Roa, discussing her experience at Journey U:
Learn More about JourneyU Ministries
This Week’s Podcast Episode
I AM HealingStrong Podcast co-host Ally Powell’s daughter, Ellie, joins us in this episode as she discusses the impact of her twin sister Izzy’s death on her young life. Ellie continues to keep Izzy’s memory alive, primarily through sharing her experience with others and helping those who also struggle with grief. Ellie highlights the significance of community, friends, and most importantly her dependence on God in navigating difficult times.