2022 Year End Update

2022 Year-End

Friends, this year, we have seen so many things happen in HealingStrong, people expressing their own successful journeys with gratitude for being part of this beautiful outreach.

Just recently, I received these messages:

Many many thanks to you all for the training modules [HealingStrong’s Healing Journey JumpStart] you hosted that followed Square One…. It was THE turning point in my healing, and a direct answer to prayer. I am in excellent health today.” – Linda

“I just wanted to take the time to provide my positive comments on this [online] event – Forgive to Live by Dr. Tibbits. This event was personally timely for me. I had been working on forgiveness this year and Dr. Tibbits talk provided me with the information and process that will take it to the next level of forgiveness…. Thanks again for all the support and great leaders in this group.” – Sherrie 

 HealingStrong equips communities through in-person and online group meetings well-represented from people all over the United States, Canada, India, Africa, Peru, Philippines, and the United Kingdom. Local HealingStrong Groups meet throughout the month in homes, churches, libraries, and community centers, sharing personal testimonies, education, recipes, prayers, encouragement and vital support.

Our strength is growing in numbers, our Group Leaders are committed and well-informed volunteers, and our ability to help cancer thrivers, caregivers and those wanting to prevent this terrible disease is evident in all of our outreach activities:

Online and In-Person Community Groups
I Am HealingStrong Podcast 
Website Resources
Social Media Presence
Group Leader Training and Mentorship
Community Prayer
Around the Word in 80 Days
Bible Studies
Conferences and Events 

[We will be celebrating HealingStrong’s 10 years of service throughout 2023!]

We teach our community how to rebuild the body with lessons on diet and detoxification. We address emotional well-being through our lessons, including special trainings and opportunities through collaborations with organizations, like RAK Ministries and Journey U, and we cover our community in prayer, God’s Word, and Truth.

Our home office is a small, dedicated team and we are so blessed to work alongside fine men and women, our volunteers, who give so much of their time, resources and talents to our HealingStrong community. What makes us so different is the engine driving the organization, this force of volunteers serving so many roles that enable our mission to move forward, including:
Group Leaders,
Regional Mentors,
Prayer Team and Chaplains,
Curriculum and Lesson Writers,
Video Editors,
I Am HealingStrong Podcast Team,
Individual Donors and Supporters (Members),
Corporate Sponsors,
and Board and Advisory Team.

It is because of the make-up and set-up of our community that participants are walking out their individual healing journeys with success, strength, and faith. Only God knows the outcome, but what a gift that we GET TO be part of the journeys of so many. Thank YOU for being part of HealingStrong.

I’d like to share one beautiful story of healing in community happened earlier this year in September during the the Rancho Cucamonga, CA group meeting. A young mother and cancer thriver happened to attend their September meeting and won tickets to a local theme park, donated by another participant. This family was able to go on vacation, making lasting memories with each other. … [Aren’t we learning how important things like celebrating life and service to others is also important to healing?! 🙂 In this case: the group leaders serving their community, the participant giving of their resources, and together, JOY of a family in the throes of healing. You see…it’s not just about learning how to juice, or why forgive, but our groups make heart connections.  We are more then groups.
We are family!]

We KNOW that we heal stronger together, in community.

My desire is that His abiding love gives you great hope, no matter your circumstances. God is always good.  Let’s finish our races strong.  Thank you for making HealingStrong part of yours!


Suzy Griswold
HealingStrong Team

P.S.  Will I see you next year?  We will be celebrating 10 years of service throughout 2023! Hint…September 2013 was the date of our first conference. 🙂


Will you consider supporting HealingStrong in your 2022 year-end gift giving?  For every gift given during the month of December over $75, we will send you a special DVD package of Chris Wark’s  Square One Cancer Coaching Program, valued at $197. Join as a monthly supporter, and be entered to win one of two prizes valued over $500 each!


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