Would you like access to exclusive educational and supportive resources from HealingStrong? We invite you to join our Membership Program today! Our Membership Program is a donor-supported program for survivors, cancer thrivers, caregivers, family members, friends, practitioners, and provides resources for HealingStrong to expand our reach into other communities.  You do not have to join the membership program to be part of HealingStrong group.  Groups are always free.  It is simply a way to provide a small monthly contribution to support our organization and help to strengthen the operations and outreach into communities around the world, enjoying value-added services we curate on a regular basis just for you.

We are deeply grateful for all of our donors, including those involved in this membership program.  You are the foundational support to this mission of HealingStrong.  Thank you so much.



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Access to attend LIVE online events and webinars 

Entries into Periodic Drawings and Giveaways (includes trips, juicers, gift cards, etc.)



Access to Conference Recordings

Exclusive Q&A Sessions with partners like: Chris Wark, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, etc.

20% discount on all conference events

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* shipping only available in the US for the Square One Program

With our HealingStrong Membership Program you will enjoy all of the valuable resources we have to share, become eligible for drawings and giveaways and gain exclusive discounts from our partners.

You can also support the mission of HealingStrong with a one-time or recurring donation.

Because of our members, HealingStrong is able to reach around the world.

Exclusive Webinars with Esteemed Speakers

  • Dr. Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
  • Dr. Linda Isaacs, M.D
  • Chris Wark
  • James Templeton
  • Dr. Patrick Vickers
  • Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
  • and more!

We are so pleased to offer a limited-time special gift to you! We’ve partnered with our dear friend, Chris Wark of Chris Beat Cancer, to bring you an amazing new members bonus.

* Available with Partners in Change membership only.

Special Re-release Offer!

Get these power-packed ebooks today with your donation of $35 or more! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity.

Fill out the form below to get Suzy’s ebook, Created to Heal Strong sent to you!

Submit your request for our HealingStrong Prayer team to pray upon. Please check our Group Directory to connect to a local or online HealingStrong group.

Introduce a friend or family member to HealingStrong and start the journey of healing body, soul and spirit together. Healing is always easier when done in community.

Please share the name and email address of the person that you’d like to invite, and we’ll do the rest.